Wellington Towing offers fast and reliable junk car removal services in West Palm Beach , Florida. Our goal is to provide easy, hassle-free pickup of junk cars, trucks, vans, and SUVs 7 days a week. For years, we have helped South Florida drivers sell their old vehicles for top dollar.
Why Wellington Towing Junk Car Services?
- Free quote
- Cash paid on the spot
- Free towing
- Title or no title
- Same day pickup
- Proper ID required
Whether your car is wrecked, salvaged, defective, or totaled, our junk car removal service offers you a convenient solution and the highest value. Sell your junk car to us!
Sell Your Junk Car! We Will Buy It! Professional Junk Car Removal!
Drop us a line today for a free quote!
Top 5 Signs that It’s Time to Call for Junk Car Services
Selling a car is not an easy thing to do. With the years of memories and adventures, you had with your vehicle, giving it up is heartbreaking. But like everything in this world, your car is at the end of its line and it’s time for you to move on.
But how can you tell that’s it time to give up on your precious car and call for a Junk Car Service to pull it out? You can easily determine it if the following signs already exists:
Sign #1 The cost of the repairs is more than your car’s worth.
You will know if it’s time to junk your car if your car repair bills are already piling up. Yes, you can live with a broken window, torn seat, broken door locks, weak brakes and more because you see them as a minor issue, but once you start adding everything up, you can see the huge chunk it can cut from your wallet.
Sign #2 The car has a poor safety rating.
Driving around with your rusted and outdated car without an airbag is a tragic accident that is waiting to happen. You should face the fact that your old car is no longer safe to be used. Do not risk your family’s safety for the sake of memories and sentimental value.
Sign #3 The check engine light does not die.
If you think that the continuous light on your check engine is another feature, think again before your car bursts into flames. The check engine is an indication that something is wrong and if you already address the issue and the lights are still on, you should definitely junk your car.
Sign #4 When two or more parts of the car are joined together by a duct tape.
Although duct tapes have multiple uses, it does not belong anywhere in an engine block. A fire is always possible with a duct tape in your car engine. If you want to use a duct tape, you can use it for your car’s body but, it won’t impress anyone that is for sure.
Sign #5 If no one is interested in buying it.
If you are trying to sell your car and no one bothers to show some interest, it is a sign that your car is already a piece of junk and calling for Junk Car Services is your best option.
If the following signs are already present in your vehicle’s present condition, this is the right time to give up on your beloved yet junk car and move on with a brand new vehicle.
Sell Your Junk Car! We Will Buy It! Professional Junk Car Removal!
Drop us a line today for a free quote!